Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Friday, 22 January 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Customs Checks Post Brexit: Discussion

Mr. Eugene Drennan:

What Mr. Harrahill says is true, except there are two systems operating here at the moment. There was the old system, called AEP. The Revenue Commissions have two systems and have not extinguished one before the start of the other, which is called AIS. Some people have fallen into the cracks between the two systems. That development was not done. It was not turned on in time. It was turned on only in November, and 24 December, Christmas Eve, or 23 December - whichever - and then there was some other part of it on 28 December, and it is supposed to work. We have been five years getting ready for Brexit and we are a year late. If this investment was made, the questions that have to be asked are why it was not ready, why it was not tried and tested and why we are having the glitches. I agree with what Mr. Harrahill has said: there is this checking and looking to the new system in Europe. It is light years away. This is what we need. We should have had it by now. We have been five years at this. We should have the new system that combines and streamlines all of Europe. We should have it now. This connectivity fund or the €2 billion that is coming or whatever it is that is coming should be moved forward and should be in by next year or the year after because Ireland is suffering without it.


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