Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Friday, 22 January 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Customs Checks Post Brexit: Discussion

Mr. Gerry Harrahill:

I do not believe that significant changes can be made to the core of the structure and framework that is there. We are certainly open to refining and tweaking things as best we can. I mentioned the education piece because I think that part of what is being described as a problem with the systems is capable of being addressed if we can get the knowledge and understanding piece right. That was why I mentioned that particularly. One of the things that we have done in recent days is to publish on our website a list of the common problems and errors that are happening. We need to fast-track the learning process around that. That is the first thing that I would say is hugely important.

I would describe the second important element as an integrated supply chain. I say that because I think it is important that all of the players and individual components in the supply chain, including all the State agencies, understand the part and contribution they make. There is information to which a haulier, for example, will not have access. If a truck and driver are in the port and there is information that somebody else has to contribute to that, it is important to have that information. We have taken some steps in the past couple of weeks to try to address some of those issues.

We are in constant and ongoing dialogue with all of the trade and representative bodies and the hauliers on the ground. I can absolutely commit that if there is something we can do at a practical level that will contribute to an easement while at the same time respecting the fact that we have to implement the Union customs code, we will be happy to look at and examine that. As an example, the suggestion that came from the Irish Road Haulage Association, IRHA, in terms of being able to look up movement reference numbers, MRNs, is a practical example of our being more than willing and happy to do that.


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