Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Cancer Screening and Care Services: Discussion

Ms Fiona Murphy:

If I may, I would like to clarify the remarks I made earlier. The reason we have a reduced worry in screening is because everyone who comes for breast, cervical or bowel screening is otherwise well. Population screening is about screening healthy people for risk of disease, and so a delay from a positive test or a delay in screening is considered a much lower risk because these are well people. I would not like the Deputy to think that a delay for people with symptoms is an acceptable delay. Again, I am referring to screening that is for a lower risk group of people who are otherwise well and healthy. Symptomatic services are for those who have any symptoms or any concerns. Just to be clear, a delay in screening is a much lower risk than a delay in symptomatic services.


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