Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Issues Affecting the Aviation Sector: Discussion

Mr. Paul Brandon:

We do not have a preference for a particular test. We understand that the current PCR-based test is considered the gold standard for testing. In terms of testing at airports, there may be alternatives such as the antigen test, a saliva-based PCR test or something else which could be used to give certainty regarding a negative test. Again, in our view, it is not up to us to say which should be the appropriate test. However, from a policy perspective, if there is no mechanism such as the Deputy mentioned - testing allied to certainty for travellers - it would be difficult to reopen aviation. The Government has been clear in adopting the traffic light mechanism, and we welcome that. The next step is to be able to put a testing regime in place by which passengers would know that if they present as negative, they can travel and know that they do not have to quarantine and that they can return once their business is concluded. That is our position.


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