Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Special Committee on Covid-19 Response

Impact of Covid-19: Education – Return to School and School Transport

Mr. Paul Rolston:

Blended learning is probably more of a feature from a post-primary point of view, as we have mentioned. We have raised many times the matter of the disparity in the quality of the broadband signal and in the availability of access to devices. As the Deputy pointed out, this is, by and large, a funding issue. We advocate and campaign for support for schools, children and families in all those areas. The answers to the questions the Deputy is asking relate primarily to funding. We absolutely are engaged in advocating for those supports but, ultimately, it is the Department, the Minister and the Government making the decisions as to what is available. I refer again to the chunk of money that has been made available for industry and everything else. Education is critical and it has to be funded adequately.


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