Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Select Committee on Education and Skills

Estimates for Public Services 2019
Vote 26 - Education and Skills (Supplementary)

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Donegal, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

We never thought about that but it is a good suggestion. There was feedback to say we could not do it on a Friday because there would be carnage on a Friday night. Sometimes we have to trust the younger generation. The young people who celebrated their results on the Friday night did not do what some people expected them to do. That will be the date. It is too late in October so we will try to bring it forward.

We do not want to have temporary accommodation. In north Kildare, east Cork, north Dublin and Trim we want to be in a position to be more responsive.

Third level funding and the potential impact of students returning after Brexit was mentioned.

There will not be a change in university status for the RCSI. After 235 years, it is now RCSI University. I was there when the Minister of State, Deputy Mitchell O’Connor, was seeing this change through both Houses. It was a highly charged and emotional day for the entire team, which was very appreciative of the cross-party support in the Oireachtas. For anybody here who went to RCSI or knows anyone who went there, graduates of the college will be changing their CVs because it does not matter when they studied there, they will be able to say they have a university degree.

University status is a big issue on the international stage. As the committee will be aware, when one travels to China or India it is important to have a university degree, it is good for Ireland and enhances the reputation of the RCSI. I wish to acknowledge Professor Cathal Kelly, CEO, and his team for their work and engagement with everybody in the Parliament.


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