Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

Update on the CervicalCheck Screening Programme: Discussion

Dr. Colm Henry:

The ordering of tests whether through labs or radiology is a staple of the assessment of patients and it is increasingly computer-mediated now. From primary care to hospital care tests are ordered through computers. The results come back through computers to a consultant or GP and the sign-off is done in the same way.

Despite all that, the clinical judgment has not changed. Depending on the context or urgency of the case, there would often be discussion for more complex or urgent cases between a general practitioner or a consultant directly with a lab consultant or a radiologist because at the end of the day despite all the developments we have had, the assessment of a patient is essentially one of clinical judgment supported by clinical tests.


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