Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Committee on Public Petitions

Save Fermoy Weir: Discussion.

Mr. Denis Maher:

The paragraph Deputy Buckley read out is from our submission. As part of that, we have agreed the solution to the issue of the fish passage. The solution as to what happens to the weir is very difficult to comment on. Deputy Buckley makes a valid point about people coming together, but the issue is funding and who has responsibility for it. We have no voted funds for this. I do not think the other Department does. Not to put too fine a point on it, but if we were to use voted funds for a reason other than that for which they were voted, we might be in front of a very different committee, if members know what I mean, so it is not simply a question of whether we can come together and fund this. That is why our Minister had written to other Ministers to ask whether there could be a central bid for funding in a budgetary context outside of the voted funding issue. Quite apart from the fact that this is outside our remit, there is the funding issue as well.

I cannot answer the other question.


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