Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Garda Reform and Related Issues: Discussion

Mr. Drew Harris:

In respect of Majella Moynihan, we are actively looking for similar cases. Given that this happened in the first place and given the extraordinary approach that was taken to this particular case, one cannot consider that it is a single, stand-alone example. I do not have a definitive number because that requires a search of records going back to 1959. Another aspect of this was that male Garda members were also subject to disciplinary boards of inquiry for, in effect, getting unmarried girls pregnant. As such, there is a second element of this completely extraordinary tale. It will be difficult for us to be entirely definitive on the figures simply because these matters were not dealt with uniformly. That is apparent even when looking at the case in front of us in comparison to other records we hold. There appears to be a limited number but at this point in time, bearing in mind this only broke Saturday week ago, it is difficult to be definitive. I am not sure we will get to a position where we can point to the names of other women who were subject to some form of disciplinary inquiry.


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