Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Local Government (Rates) Bill 2018: Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

Mr. Barry Quinlan:

If that covers everything on the planning and the Residential Tenancies Acts, I will address rates and Irish Water valuation. The first valuation of Irish Water is under way. Other valuations of the ESB and EirGrid will also be undertaken this year. On the Irish Water evaluation, the Commissioner of Valuation is independent and that process is ongoing. We have engaged with the commissioner and local authorities to ensure the greatest possible understanding but the figures are not yet available. The preliminary valuation will be on 18 July and the Minister will be notified of it. Local authorities would not normally be notified but that is addressed in one of the amendments. These are Committee Stage amendments so there will be an opportunity to discuss them with the Minister. The other two amendments are very important, particularly for local authorities that are being revalued at the same time as a global valuation. There is also a mechanism for appeals.

The revaluation will deliver a figure for each of the relevant local authorities. What that means for local authority finances is a separate process. We are engaging with the local authorities on funding and perhaps in the Estimates process later this year. Both of those processes are operating in parallel, although the valuation is taking place in an information vacuum until the final figure is produced.

The apportionment under the Act is done by the commissioner. I understand that the previous apportionments have been done by population. Perhaps my colleagues would like to add to that.


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