Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Public Accounts Committee

2017 Annual Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General and Appropriation Accounts
Vote 29 - Communications, Climate Action and Environment
Broadband Service Provision: Discussion
BT Ireland

9:00 am

Mr. Peter Evans:

The task force started around 2012, so there was probably three or four years of discussion and dialogue around the industry before an initial conversation started about what it would look like.

Our business in the Irish market is around serving multinationals, the public sector and wholesale operators. We are not an access provider. We do not build local networks in Ireland, although we do in the UK and Northern Ireland. It is our business in the UK and Northern Ireland to build local access networks, as well as the services above it, but in the Republic of Ireland, our business is multinationals, public sector and wholesale operators. The network here was about building fibre access. While we had the expertise to do it in the UK, it was not aligned to our business interests in Ireland. We decided, at a very early stage, we were not going to participate in the tender process.


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