Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Select Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport

Business of Joint Committee

Photo of Fergus O'DowdFergus O'Dowd (Louth, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I welcome everybody, including the members of the public. The Dáil referred the Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulations Bill 2018 to the select committee on 14 December last. At today's meeting, the select committee will consider the Bill on Committee Stage and then report back to the Dáil.

As regards mobile phones, I remind members and those in the Public Gallery that their mobile phones should be switched off completely for the duration of the meeting as they may cause interference, even if on silent mode, with the recording systems in committee rooms.

I remind members of the long-standing parliamentary practice to the effect that they should not comment on, criticise or make charges against a person or body outside the House or an official either by name or in such a way as to make him, her or it identifiable.

I welcome the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Deputy Ross, together with his officials from the Department. I understand that the Minister will not be making an opening statement. I advise members that we have got an extension of time through the good offices of the clerk to the committee. We must adjourn at 2.30 p.m. The clerk to the committee will endeavour to hold the next meeting as soon as possible thereafter to conclude the business, if it is not already finished.

I refer members to the grouping of amendments for the purposes of the debate. I have already spoken informally with members as regards some of the issues here. We will proceed to consideration of the Bill.


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