Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Select Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Local Government Bill 2018: Committee Stage (Resumed)

12:30 pm

Photo of John Paul PhelanJohn Paul Phelan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I move amendment No. 112:

In page 26, between lines 1 and 2, to insert the following:

“Urban area committee

40. (1) The local authorities within whose administrative areas an urban area is situated shall, not later than 6 months after the commencement of this section, appoint a committee (in this section referred to as an “urban area committee”) to perform the functions of an urban area committee conferred by this Part.

(2) The members of an urban area committee shall be appointed by the local authorities within whose administrative areas the urban area for which that committee is appointed is situated.

(3) The following shall be members of an urban area committee: (a) the cathaoirleach of each of the local authorities within whose administrative areas the urban area concerned is situated,

(b) 6 other persons nominated in accordance with subsection (4),

(c) not fewer than 2 and not more than 4 persons who, in the opinion of the local authorities by whom they are appointed, have experience and expertise in relation to —
(i) the provision of transport,

(ii) the provision of housing,

(iii) the development of infrastructure, or

(iv) business and trade, nominated in accordance with subsection (5).
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), each local authority within whose administrative area the urban area concerned is situated shall nominate, for appointment to the urban area committee in accordance with paragraph (b)of subsection (3), 3 persons (other than the cathaoirleach of that local authority) who are members of that local authority elected in respect of local electoral areas situated (in whole or in part) within that urban area.

(5) The cathaoirligh of the local authorities within whose administrative areas the urban area concerned is situated shall, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Minister, nominate persons for appointment to an urban area committee in accordance with paragraph (c)of subsection (3)from among persons who are not members of either such local authority.

(6) The chairperson of an urban area committee shall be appointed from among the members of that committee by — (a) those members, or

(b) the Minister, where those members fail to appoint a chairperson of that committee within 2 weeks from their appointment as members of that committee. (7) An urban area committee shall hold such and so many meetings as may be necessary for the due fulfilment of their functions.

(8) The local authorities within whose administrative areas the urban area concerned is situated shall fix the date, time and place of the first meeting of an urban area committee.

(9) At a meeting of an urban area committee — (a) the chairperson of that committee shall, if present, be the chairperson of the meeting, or

(b) if and so long as the chairperson of that committee is not present or if that office is vacant, the other members of that committee who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairperson of the meeting. (10) Every question at a meeting of an urban area committee shall, subject to subsection (11), be determined by a majority of the votes of the members of that committee present and voting on the question, and, in the case of an equal division of votes, the chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.

(11) The members of an urban area committee appointed in accordance with paragraph (c)of subsection (3)shall not be entitled to vote on any question at a meeting of that committee.

(12) Subject to subsection (14), an urban area committee may act notwithstanding one or more vacancies among their members.

(13) Subject to this section, an urban area committee shall regulate their procedure by rules or otherwise.

(14) The quorum for a meeting of an urban area committee shall be 4 members of that committee entitled to vote at such meeting.

(15) (a) An urban area committee shall appoint such persons to provide the urban area committee with administrative support as the urban area committee shall determine from among persons nominated under paragraph (b)by the local authorities within whose administrative areas the urban area for which that urban area committee was appointed is situated. (b) Each local authority within whose administrative area part of an urban area is situated shall, after consultation with the other local authority within whose administrative area part of that urban area is situated, nominate such and so many of the members of its staff as it may determine for the purposes of paragraph (a). (16) The members of the staff of a local authority assigned to provide administrative support to an urban area committee in accordance with subsection (15)shall perform functions on behalf of that committee under the direction and control of that committee. ”.


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