Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills

Uptake of Apprenticeships and Traineeships: Discussion

10:30 am

Mr. Brendan McGinty:

There are particular recommendations I should mention. The Government should maintain a rigorous focus on the skills of those in employment, directing supports at close to labour market skill requirements in targeting interventions that support effective enterprise-led training and preparing more people to take up employment opportunities. It should implement in full the recommendations arising from the independent evaluation of the National Training Fund undertaken by Indecon, including a greater priority being placed on supporting in-employment training and giving enterprise a bigger voice in how this is determined. The Government should also provide greater incentives to firms to increase investment at enterprise level in staff training. Such responses will serve to increase the productivity, innovation and competitiveness of firms and boost the skills and career mobility of workers and the value of jobs. The final recommendation is to continue to expand demonstrably effective Government and enterprise upskilling mechanisms such as Skillnet Ireland to allow us to accelerate our work and penetration, particularly with small and medium enterprises, which employ approximately 70% of our workforce.

At this moment of rapid change and massive transition, we must put the talent agenda foremost in our minds. That requires us to bridge the gaps that exist between students and workers and the jobs that will provide them opportunity, security and prosperity. It requires us to bridge the skills and people gaps that exist between the needs of employers and workers, where businesses seek to expand their businesses, serve their communities and grow the economy. Skillnet Ireland provides strong leadership in shaping the future of workforce development by working with enterprise to meet their skill requirements and helping those in work to progress, develop and upskill for the future. We are a strong example of how the State and enterprise can work together to meet identified challenges. With our deep roots in every region and sector, we are determined that these issues are addressed, and with the active support of the Government, all our stakeholders and through collaboration between agencies, we are working hard to play our part in addressing these issues.


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