Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government

Rebuilding Ireland - Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness: Discussion

5:00 pm

Mr. Brendan Kenny:

On the voids, they are not long-term voids but casual vacancies. They are the turnovers, as the Deputy said. The long-term voids are all gone. We have some long-term empty apartments for example in O'Devaney Gardens waiting to be demolished and that is it. These are, for us, anyhow, 800 units that become available each year. In our situation, because our property is very old, if we get a house in Ballyfermot or Cabra there may not have been any kind of cyclical maintenance done on it for 30 or 40 years so it is a case of bringing it up to date. If it becomes vacant, we take the opportunity to refurbish it and then, even though it is not an addition to the stock, it is a new house for a family on a housing list. They are casual vacancies.


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