Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Impact of Brexit on the Good Friday Agreement: Discussion (Resumed)

2:10 pm

Dr. Jonny Byrne:

I do not disagree. There is a lack of debate. Sometimes I think people have only woken up to what the Good Friday Agreement said and to what people signed up to. It is about a combination of factors. We are kind of advice-centric in terms of Belfast or communities, but if one looks at a combination of factors, from flag protests onwards, there is a narrative and perception that people did not realise the implications of what the Good Friday Agreement actually set out. That has had an effect. If we do not have evidence-based policymaking and healthy debate around a united Ireland, a Border poll or what the questions will be, it will inevitably come back down to basics.


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