Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Island Fisheries (Heritage Licence) Bill 2017: Discussion (Resumed)

3:30 pm

Mr. Greg Casey:

The 2013 CFP, the applicable policy, states, "Sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources should be based on the precautionary approach, which is to be derived from the precautionary principle." It states, "The common fisheries policy (CFP) should contribute to the protection of the marine environment, to the sustainable management of all commercially exploited species, and in particular to the achievement of good environmental status ... by 2020 in accordance with Article 1(1) of Directive 2008/56/EC ". It goes on to state, in recitals, "(18) Union fishing vessels should have equal access to Union waters and resources subject to the rules of the CFP." It then has a paragraph on existing rules restricting access to resources within the 12 nautical mile zone. Essentially, they are saying that the rules have operated well and should be maintained. Recital No. 20, states, "Small offshore islands which are dependent on fishing should, where appropriate, be especially recognised and supported in order to enable them to survive and prosper." We, in the Irish South and West Fish Producers Organisation, support this policy.

Although, technically, the State owns the fishing quota, in certain fisheries, the vast bulk of the quota entitlements are owned by, and restricted to, a small number of vessels. That may breach at least the spirit of the CFP.


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