Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Garda Homicide Statistics: Discussion (Resumed)

9:00 am

Ms Lois West:

That was in the context of a management meeting I was part of. It was raised with me as part of a wider management meeting. Obviously, there were not many people present but I was immediately concerned. To be honest I felt quite compromised. I absolutely understand that there are governance structures and that people are very wary of sharing data, as are we. We have been the souls of discretion in protecting data and case-specific information. I felt it was a breach of trust and a compromise. Where we had been trying to raise the issues and do what we felt was right to try to get the truthful message to enable the authority to be able to craft and ask pertinent questions at meetings, not only was our voice not being heard, they kind of told tales on us.


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