Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Garda Homicide Statistics: Discussion (Resumed)

9:00 am

Ms Lois West:

That was a particularly significant three-day period. There seemed to be meetings ongoing that neither Ms Galligan or I were present at, yet other members of the review team were. I took a little umbrage at that because I did not feel that that was equitable or that we were being given the opportunity to properly represent our views. Whether pressure was brought to bear during those meetings at which I was not present, I can only go by what I have been told or comments that have been made to me. Other people were present at the meetings on 9 and 10 May and pressure was certainly brought to bear on us. It is for others to answer whether they felt that. We were the key actors in the homicide review. It was critical that the understanding of the Policing Authority was that it had to come back as joint sign-off and, therefore, it was of particular import that Ms Galligan and I agreed to sign off.


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