Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Climate Change Issues specific to the Agriculture, Food and Marine Sectors: Discussion

5:00 pm

Mr. Pat McCormack:

I concur with what Mr. Healy said about the media and getting the story out there. There was much mention today of the sustainable dairy assurance scheme, SDAS, and there is also the beef and lamb scheme. These fall under the umbrella of Origin Green, which is our very own tricolour. We mentioned the footprint of 30% or 33% of total emissions that agriculture creates. All this does is highlight the importance of agriculture to this economy and to rural Ireland. This is another point that needs to be driven out there. We are tops in dairy and right up in the top five across Europe when it comes to beef. If anything, we as Irish farmers are perhaps a little shy in promoting the very positive story that is out there. I hope Origin Green is only gaining momentum and that it will be what will drive us forward and prove what we have, which is very much a grass-based, environmentally friendly and compatible food production process in agriculture.


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