Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Future of Mental Health Care

A Vision for Change: Update from Health Service Executive

10:00 am


I did not get my tuppence ha'penny worth as I did not get to ask my questions. I am sure the witnesses will be glad to know that we have run out of time. I once again thank Ms O'Connor for what she provided yesterday. I am struck by the vastness of the HSE's remit - it is absolutely enormous. I think the members and I are struggling a little so, before the witnesses came in this morning, we loosely agreed that we are going to focus on three areas, namely, primary care, funding and recruitment. We see this as three modules, so we will be asking the HSE to come back in every now and then to help us to see where we are at, what the baseline is and what we are achieving.

I see Deputy Rabbitte wants to come in.


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