Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

General Scheme of Children's Health Bill 2017: Discussion

9:00 am

Ms Valerie Plant:

I want to respond about car parking. There is no doubt that the car park at the hospital is a valuable asset with the potential to generate significant operating revenues for the hospital. It is not funded by the Exchequer. It is not a core part of the hospital delivery facility. Its construction is costed at €44 million by the development board. As it is not funded by the Exchequer, the funds for that construction need to come either from funds raised by the hospital or a tender from a private investor or operator. We are in an options appraisal process to assess what way we can extract the maximum benefit for the services from the car parks, be it through raising funds, a significant amount of funds must be raised by the group, or by tendering to an operator for the operation of the car park over a period.


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