Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health

General Scheme of Children's Health Bill 2017: Discussion

9:00 am

Ms Fionnuala Duffy:

There was a statutory process in regard to four of the conditions that were associated with the fire certificate. That is part of a normal statutory process. An Bord Pleanála has made its decision and all parties will abide by that.

Deputy Murphy O'Mahony and Senator Colm Burke referred to employee transfers. Obviously, a smooth transfer of staff is important to this project. It is one of the reasons we need to embark on this very early on. We have a multiannual transfer programme to make sure it is smooth. Negotiations have already started with staff and perhaps Ms Hardiman may elaborate on that. It is important to us that there is a smooth transfer of staff and that there are plenty of opportunities for staff to integrate and to have a virtual single hospital across the city well in advance of the move to the new facilities. There are moves afoot to have that rotation and learning from each other and standardisation in practices. It is a crucial part of integration that brings benefits and opportunities for staff. Ms Hardiman might also elaborate on the details of discussions under way in that area.

In terms of the land, Ms Hardiman might confirm the ownership and the future ownership of the land and what will transfer and what is appropriate there.

With reference to gender balance on the board, as a State board there is a process in place to appoint members to the board. We will, of course, adhere to the guidelines for appointments to State boards. Gender balance is a key component in consideration of applications and in putting forward nominations to the Minister for appointment. That is an important consideration for us.


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