Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution

Termination in Cases of Foetal Abnormality: Termination for Medical Reasons Ireland

1:30 pm

Ms Claire Cullen-Delsol:

I will take the question of abuse first. I think Deputy Coppinger mentioned it too. Before I spoke to anybody about what I had gone through, I was absolutely terrified and convinced that there was something wrong with me since I wanted to end a pregnancy. There must have been something wrong since, if I could not do it, how could it be considered right? I was convinced that there must be a reason we did not provide it. By the time that I came to the understanding that there was nothing wrong with me and it was a reasonable thing, I was still terrified because I thought everybody else would think there was something wrong with me. I started to speak to people about it, including family, friends and wider circles. I then spoke to an amazing journalist who interviewed me and took the story. It snowballed from there. The vast majority of the thousands of messages that I have received publicly and privately or from people coming to me on the street have been nothing but supportive, kind and understanding. I cannot overstate that and the resonance that people have when they hear the story. They all have their own stories about sisters, friends and mothers. It has touched every family from what I can see.

There have been some voices, mostly on the fringe, who would disagree vehemently with what I believe. I am pro-choice and they are not, and they have no problem expressing that, sometimes in really vile ways. They are keyboard warriors for the most part and it is all online. I attended a pro-choice march and put a video online of what I believed were grotesque images that counter-protesters decided to bring. This happened in Ballybricken in Waterford. It is not a bustling metropolis-----


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