Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government

Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness: Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government

2:00 pm

Photo of Pat CaseyPat Casey (Wicklow, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I feel disappointed because we were told this time last year that the problems were fixed and that we were not going to run into the delays that we had envisaged for the first 22 units. Yet it is now June 2017 and we only 22 units. The maximum that will be delivered by the end of the year is an additional 177 units. That is 800 units short of the stated target. I know there are reasons for the delay but I felt that we would have had more units built by now.

I have analysed the movement of the different construction projects and I identified eight projects that have gone backwards. Maybe it is just that we are not matching them properly or something. I have a list of them in front of me. The eight projects have moved from either stage 4 to stage 1 or whatever but I will not go into the details now. Equally, we can see that there have only been 181 completions in Q1 of this year. If that is all we have delivered in Q1, and that is the momentum, then we have realistically done nothing in terms of delivering social housing.

Can we get an update on the fast-track planning? Is it now in place? We were told it would be in place in May but I am not sure if it is.


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