Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection

Money Advice and Budgeting Service Restructuring: Discussion (Resumed)

10:00 am

Mr. Tomás Lally:

It is very detailed. It would be very difficult to start hiding money or doing anything like that. It is all accounted for and above board.

Deputy Carey asked about the potential for dialogue. As chair of the development managers network I would say we are very much open to dialogue. We want dialogue. Our focus here is really the citizen. That is what started up the first citizens information services - to serve the citizens' needs. That is why we are here this morning. Our role is to advocate on behalf of the citizen. We are not here to preserve our own jobs or whatever. We are here to argue for the citizens and say what we believe is in their best interests. The service is working. Maybe there are areas in which we can improve, there always are. We are certainly open to and welcome dialogue but not to the sort of consultation we have got, in which our opinions are noted and then ignored while the juggernaut goes on regardless.


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