Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

Sustaining Viable Rural Communities: Discussion (Resumed)

9:00 am

Mr. John Fitzgerald:

I will try and deal with those issues and let my colleague, Dr. O'Keeffe, in only on the importance of the freshwater pearl mussel, which Deputy Grealish raised. I fully understand the level of frustration and I am aware of the campaign that is ongoing there. Indeed, it must be difficult for all concerned and for the people of the area.

In relation to the bridge in Oughterard etc., I would reiterate the point that the NPWS did not stop the project. The NPWS is not a decision maker. We give our views on nature conservation and that is our statutory role. The decision makers then need to make an appropriate assessment, which is done under both European and Irish law, and make their decision taking all factors into account.


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