Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Banking Sector in Ireland: Allied Irish Banks

9:30 am

Mr. Bernard Byrne:

I will take that in the context of the earlier part of the Senator's question. We often end up talking a lot about one particular type of asset class at these meetings, namely, personal homes. It is very important to note that these comprise just one type of asset we have worked through. We have lowered the figure from €30 billion to €11 billion, which is a €19 billion reduction. We are talking about a reduction of probably €5 billion or €6 billion more. It is approximately one third of what we have done already. It is a much smaller number. In many scenarios, we end up having conversations on the impending doom associated with repossessions. In reality, that does not transpire because there are developments, people engage and they move to a different position. It is always important to bear in mind where we are. We do need to solve the problem; that is the important point. We accept that there is a set of solutions.

Mr. Burke will contextualise the mix of assets we are talking about. Those are the assets we think about in broad terms. As I have mentioned, if we were to engage in any portfolio sale - no decision has been made - it would be across commercial portfolios in the first instance.


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