Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Select Committee on the Future of Healthcare

Health Service Reform: Hospital Groups

9:00 am

Ms Eilísh Hardiman:

With regard to the specifics on trilocation, trilocation is the optimal objective for the campus but I am cognisant that my colleague behind me is actually accountable for the Coombe services. I am really pleased that the Minister attended a meeting of the Joint Committee on Health on 10 November last and committed to a process to begin the planning for the move of the Coombe to the site at St. James's. We previously made a presentation to the committee. My colleagues from the development board have outlined that it would probably take two years to design the new hospital and get it through the planning process. It would probably take two years to build, and then it would take probably three months to actually commission it. That is the timeline once the decision is formerly made to start with the design brief. That would actually fall into the timeline for the completion of the children's hospital.


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