Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Select Committee on the Future of Healthcare

Health Service Reform: Hospital Groups

9:00 am

Ms Mary Day:

As with Dr. Susan O'Reilly, I advocate having a very good national leader for ICT. We have some pockets of really good ICT. St. Vincent's and the Mater hospitals, for instance, have good ICT, but these are bespoke models. What we want to do is deliver an ICT model involving the development of ICT that can connect in with level 3 and level 4 hospitals. One could even consider portal technology in the short term regarding how data can be brought out from the system. We are examining all our ICT across the group at present. There is work across the level 4 hospitals. It requires investment. We have been bereft of that investment in ICT over the years. There is an opportunity to work with universities on this. We spoke to a lead in Southampton, for instance. He was chief informatics officer. He worked in the University of Southampton and actually delivered his role within the trust. He was the main conduit in regard to how one can take the data and expertise from the university and apply those to service delivery.


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