Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Select Committee on the Future of Healthcare

Health Service Reform: Hospital Groups

9:00 am

Dr. Susan O'Reilly:

We have very good national leadership for ICT in the HSE, and the committee has already met Richard Corbridge. We are tapping into a lot of the progress and developments in ICT, but this is an area that has been grossly underfunded over the years and not enabled by the financial crisis in the country. We are in major catch-up mode. We are very fortunate to run a universal SAP payroll and HR system in our group. We are also very fortunate to have universal transfer of images throughout our hospitals. We are leading on the roll-out of a national laboratory system and we are second in the queue for what we are doing on integrated maternity and neonatology ICT. We are not close to having a comprehensive clinical record system, which we would all love, but beware that many countries have done this badly and had to back up. We are on track to get it right. It will take years and a commitment of investments, but there is a crying need for it.


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