Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

National Economic Output: Director General, Central Statistics Office

10:00 am

Mr. Pádraig Dalton:

It varies. Obviously, large multinational enterprises are required to provide information and they would be included in all samples. Small and medium-sized enterprises are not included in samples every year. We are continuously moving towards the broader exploitation of administrative data to support the production of our statistical data. For example, in our annual services inquiry, we no longer survey enterprises with fewer than ten persons engaged. We get the data from an administrative data source and use modelling techniques to produce information for that particular sector. We produce a response burden barometer every year. We have reduced the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises over the past number of years, and will continue to make the shift from primary data collection for small enterprises towards the exploitation of existing data sources, in particular administrative data sources.


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