Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Rising Cost of Motor Insurance: Discussion (Resumed)

11:00 am

Ms Sara Moorhead:

The Injuries Board is carrying out the task but the level of information it is going to have available to it is a little opaque at the moment. Perhaps the committee might ask representatives from the board about that when they appear before it. We understand that not only will the board have available to it the judicial awards, which is not a full picture by any means, it will also have available to it the data from the insurance companies concerning the cases they are settling. The board should then be in a position to particularise the injuries in a more detailed fashion and set out narrower parameters than the ones it has had to date so that when lawyers and judges are dealing with it, there can be a realistic shoehorning of the injury into the parameters of those awards. We thought it was going to be this term but by January 2017, it is hoping to have the new book of quantum in place. If it is a realistic document in terms of the day-to-day approach, there is no reason it will not be used by the lawyers, the litigant and the judges.


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