Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Rising Cost of Motor Insurance: Discussion (Resumed)

11:00 am

Ms Verona Murphy:

I do not disagree with the Deputy that the data are unavailable, but according to existing data, claims have not increased. What has increased is the number of motorists and other traffic on the roads. Since the recession, that has increased by 25%. That brings a significant increase in revenue to the underwriters. While they maintain there is an increase in claims, that is not the case, but there is a significant increase in premiums based on more traffic on the road. There is no correlation with what they have garnered since the recession through the increase in traffic. We know the economy has improved and commercial traffic has increased but none of that is being correlated. The revenue of insurance companies is increasing by the day because of an increase in traffic and a resulting increase in premiums, but that has not been mentioned. There is a 25% increase on the premium base but there has not been an increase in claims and that is the only significant data on which we can rely.


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