Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Rising Cost of Motor Insurance: Discussion (Resumed)

11:00 am

Ms Verona Murphy:

It is not possible, because of the variance in the size of operations versus the subjective nature of claims. One member complained to us last week. He is based on a fleet policy, which is a minimum of five trucks. His quote went from €10,000 for the motor section to €28,000. At the 11th hour his broker was telling him that he could not get him another quote. He did not have specific claims in the motor fleet, but he did have some in the employer's liability, EL, and public liability, PL, areas. They were not major, just two claims, but the same underwriter had all of his insurance so when it came to his motor insurance the significant increase was €18,000 on what he was paying.

He told his broker to insure each truck individually. That meant opening five new policies but five was not allowed because that is a fleet, so he had to take one vehicle off the road for a period of time and insure the other four vehicles individually. This was at his behest. He was not informed by the broker that this was an action he could take. He saved €10,000. That means there was a reduction for the administration of four separate insurance policies versus that of one fleet policy and his insurance was reduced by €10,000. There is nothing to be gathered here, unfortunately. None of it makes any sense. The administration costs are fourfold, yet the insurance went down. He can put the fifth truck back on as an insurable vehicle within six weeks and next year he will probably have to take the same action, so it will not be a fleet policy. It is just ridiculous.


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