Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform, and Taoiseach

Rising Cost of Motor Insurance: Discussion (Resumed)

11:00 am

Mr. Neil McDonnell:

The book of quantum is effectively market research among judges and insurance companies, such as what was paid for a broken toe. That produces a maximum and minimum, and there is no science, logic or objective reasoning behind that whatever. It is important when we hear that members of the Judiciary have said the book of quantum is out of date. It relates to nothing other than what the Judiciary and their colleagues are awarding. It is sort of a meaningless statement, to be blunt.

Commercial vehicle motor insurance works totally differently from those of other motorists. I understand how a motorist might have no history of claims over ten or 15 years and the premium goes up, which seems very unfair, as the risk is pooled. We do not necessarily agree with that either. Commercial operators have multiple vehicles on the road.

Unfortunately, one of the insurers said to us that 30% of the vehicles on the road will be involved in some type of accident during their period of insurance, from minor to major. They tend to look at the risk of the individual operator rather than the market risk per vehicle, so they look at it slightly differently.


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