Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Select Committee on Standing Order 112

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

2:30 pm

Photo of Colm BrophyColm Brophy (Dublin South West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

There were four proposals before the committee for decision today, ranging from Schengen border controls to tax disclosure issues. I remind Deputies that any decision made today on subsidiarity aspects of these proposals will not prohibit Oireachtas committees from scrutinising any of these proposals in detail in the future.

Therefore, in respect of COM (2016) 194 regarding the Schengen entry-exit system, on the basis that there are no apparent subsidiarity concerns, it is proposed this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee at this time. Is that agreed? Agreed.

As for COM (2016) 196 regarding the Schengen entry-exit system, on the basis that there were no apparent subsidiarity concerns, it is proposed this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee at this time. However, it is suggested that this proposal be scrutinised further by relevant sectoral committees, when established. Is that agreed? Agreed.

On COM (2016) 202 regarding the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, it is proposed this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee on the basis there were no subsidiarity concerns. Is that agreed? Agreed.

On the final item, COM (2016) 198 regarding the disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches, the proposal is this committee will invite officials from the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation to appear before it to further brief members on the results of the Department's public consultation, as well as to answer certain questions the committee has and will submit to the Department. On the basis of that briefing, this committee will decide its next action on that item. Is that agreed? Agreed.

I thank everyone for their attendance and propose we meet again next Wednesday, 8 June 2016.


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