Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Policing Matters: Garda Commissioner

2:00 pm

Photo of Fergus O'DowdFergus O'Dowd (Louth, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the Commissioner and her team. I live in County Louth where the whole community and I acknowledge the tremendous sacrifices members of the Garda have made. The latest sacrifice was made by the late Garda Golden. Before him there was Garda Donohoe and before him, some years ago, there was Sergeant Morrissey. I am fully supportive of the police and acknowledge the great sacrifices that have been made. However, people are asking me how exactly the Garda and the Government will deal with the policing needs of County Louth. I respect and acknowledge the significant increase in collaboration between the Garda and the PSNI. Notwithstanding the fact that the Garda has deployed approximately 22 additional gardaí and two sergeants to north County Louth, people are concerned. Bearing in mind that I am absolutely not being critical of the Garda, how can we reassure the public that a sufficient number of gardaí will continue to be deployed in the region in view of the significant murders there and the level of cross-Border crime?


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