Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform

Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2015: Committee Stage

5:30 pm

Photo of Brendan HowlinBrendan Howlin (Wexford, Labour) | Oireachtas source

The bottom line is that we put it to the trade unions that we would require the FEMPI architecture to remain in place until we are in a position to afford the full restoration of pay. The paragraph states that, "The Parties", namely, all of the public sector unions, "notwithstanding the improvement in the country's fiscal position", which is acknowledged and noted, "note that ... the legislative constraints imposed on public service employers", which is what we are talking about here, "under the financial emergency legislation will continue to be the context for pay determination during the lifetime of this Agreement".


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