Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications

Departure of High Performance Unit Head Coach: IABA and Sport Ireland

11:00 am

Mr. Kieran Mulvey:

I want to reiterate what the chief executive has just said. We want to work with the IABA. That is our modus vivendi. That is what we are statutorily required to do. Like everyone in this room, everyone has a regret about what has happened. It has happened, however, and we have to learn the lessons from it. I want to acknowledge the remarks of the chairman of the IABA today. We will reciprocate along those lines and sort them out. It is not in the interest of anyone in any organisation or any sport to have a sparring match between ourselves around this issue.

There are, however, issues that must be addressed. I would take issue with the interpretation of the requirements and contracts by Mr. Kirwan. I have dealt with this professionally for the past 25 years. Compellability is a question in terms of contract. Unreasonable compellability is another issue. It is standard practice in most contracts that where the head office of an organisation is relocated, the employee must go with the headquarters. As in my own contract, I do not have a negotiating position on that. The most recent public service agreements take from all public service employees the specific location of their employment. They can now be redeployed within 45 km if it is necessary. These are arguments we can have another time, another day.


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