Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Outstanding Legacy Issues in Northern Ireland: Discussion

10:00 am

Mr. Pat Doherty:

I thank Mr. Culbert, Mr. Roberts and Mr. Campbell for their presentations. The joint committee was established to oversee the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement. The document submitted by Mr. Campbell makes it clear that paragraph 5 of the prisoners' section of the Good Friday Agreement is being breached across a whole range of issues. I live in County Donegal, so I know about the work of the ex-prisoners there. I was elected in West Tyrone. I know about the solid work being done by ex-prisoners on the ground. I know they continually sustain and support the peace process. It is an extraordinary commitment from people who have been through the conflict and are being discriminated against. They still support the peace process. Two issues are raised with me by ex-prisoners on a regular basis. I would like Mr. Michael Culbert to expand on the first issue, which is the refusal of many companies to give ex-prisoners insurance for their homes, their cars or anything else for which they may be seeking insurance. I understand there may be one or two companies that take on this role. If so, it needs to be publicised more clearly so that this issue can be dealt with. The second issue is the exclusion of ex-prisoners from Peace IV funding. Are there any opportunities to have that revisited or re-examined? Is there any potential for funding from that source to be reinstated?


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