Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis

Nexus Phase

Mr. Kevin Cardiff:

Well, that could well have happened but I had conversations with Governor Honohan, sometimes several times a week, about all sorts of potentials. I don't recall myself ever putting him in his place. In fact, we had a very respectful, professional relationship. So, if he's implying that tone, then it couldn't have been me. But, certainly, at that stage, the Minister and myself would have said, "Well, hang on now", if we were asked. There is a real problem there because that programme would not fill our gap. We would need, if there were to be a programme, we would need something bigger and we would need European assistance as well. So, I would have thought ... I don't remember the conversation but I would have thought if I had been asked at the time, I would have thought this is a little bit premature. But I wouldn't have ruled it out because, I mean, we had a difficult situation and had had for two years.


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