Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Insolvency Services: Insolvency Service of Ireland

2:00 pm

Mr. Lorcan O'Connor:

On targeting, advertising and the efforts to reach people who need to hear about us, we took this issue on board as we designed our "Back on Track" campaign last October. It was interesting that among focus groups involving debtors who had either historically dealt with financial difficulties or were currently in financial difficulties, there was a very low knowledge base of what it is we provide. Even when our service was explained to them, there were certain sensitivities around the word "insolvency" and it was not necessarily recognised that it could apply to an individual rather than a company. People preferred to hear "ISI" rather than the word "insolvency". As a result, we moved to using "ISI" in our advertising rather than using the word "insolvency".

It was worthwhile holding those sessions to learn that people were not all using print media or current affairs programmes as their main source of information. Therefore, it became clear to us that we needed to reach into the community, to groups such as St. Vincent de Paul, local constituency offices of politicians and other organisations. We also consulted with over 20 representative bodies, from trade unions to other national networks, to ensure we could impart our message through them and by virtue of these efforts, we have reached over half a million people. We have reached out, for example, through articles in trade union magazines and other such publications. We did not take the traditional routes, primarily because of budgetary constraints, but also because our feedback was that this was not the way to go. We also had an advertising campaign on public transport vehicles. That was how we designed our campaign last year and we plan on doing something similar with our budget this year.

Did the Deputy have another question or have I addressed the issues?


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