Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Insolvency Services: Insolvency Service of Ireland

2:00 pm

Mr. Christopher Lehane:

Yes, the income payment period is currently five years. Therefore, there is not an instant relief. Look back for example at point 3.2 on page 25 of our document. I point out in my summary the benefits that accrue to a debtor when he is released from bankruptcy. If the period he will be subject to these bankruptcy restrictions is reduced from three years to one, then if considering if the removal of restrictions will help his capacity to pay his mortgage, none of them will. He cannot be a company director or manager, he cannot seek credit above €600 without notifying a credit institution, he cannot change his name or address without notifying the official assignee and he must disclose the acquisition of property. These are not factors that will increase his capacity to pay his mortgage.


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