Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children

HIQA Investigation into Midland Regional Hospital, Portlaoise (Resumed): Parents and Patient Advocates

11:30 am

Mr. Ollie Kelly:

Deputy Billy Kelleher asked me what we knew about the "Prime Time" investigation unit's programme. Mary Kate was born in May and we found out in September through a meeting in Limerick that the consultant in Limerick had made inquiries about the care Amy had received in the Midland Regional Hospital in Portlaoise. The consultant there confirmed that she had looked at the CTG scan and said that if she had seen it, she would have delivered Mary Kate straight away and that there were issues within the CTG. At that stage, we decided that we had to meet the doctors at the Midland Regional Hospital to find out what had gone wrong and why and, like all of the families, to make sure it did not happen again. We got on the telephone to make an appointment and eventually were given an appointment in December. We had to go to the hospital, which was very tough. We wanted to have it done before Christmas and if we wanted to have a meeting, we would have to go to the hospital where it had all gone wrong. We wanted to have it outside the hospital, but if we did not attend the December meeting, we would have had to wait until after Christmas. We were very anxious to have it before Christmas to get it out of the way in order that we could have some sort of normal Christmas. It should have been Mary Kate's first Christmas.

At the meeting we were told that they were very sorry. We were told by the consultant that if she had seen Amy's CTG scan or had been called, she would have delivered her straight away. It had been her day shift and she was probably only around the corner.


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