Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Basic Payment Scheme and GLAS: Discussion

2:00 pm

Mr. Breian Carroll:

I listened to the contributions of the representatives. We agree that the working group is a great idea but, unfortunately, there is a time constraint of seven weeks. I will not repeat what I said earlier but we need clarity on many of these issues. In terms of a working group, we do not even have the capacity to become involved in such a group in seven weeks. Some of our members have already submitted applications, and that process has its own problems in that if the rules change it will mean amendments to applications.

We would warmly welcome training. We have sought that on several occasions but it should be training that engages all parties - initially advisers, our members as consultants and Department officials - in assessing eligible and ineligible areas, walking mountain areas and deciding what we can or cannot put in for our client farmers. Eventually, that will be in the interests of all stakeholders. We have our clients' interests at heart. We have to ensure that the land on which they apply will be eligible for the coming years to ensure they get their payments.

As Mr. Dolan stated, we would like to be given adequate time. As public representatives the members can help us to try to implement these ideas on the ground. We will do the work but not under the current severe time constraints in which we have to try to perform. I request that the members, along with the Minister and the Department officials, come together on this issue. We will do the work if we are given flexibility in terms of a few extra months. It is possible to do this. We are all private entrepreneurs. We will do the work on behalf of farmers and for the Department, but we need more time.

I appeal to the members to do whatever they can to allow us get our work done professionally, on behalf of farmers, and to ensure that the State and the farmers get the payments to which they are entitled, without the possibility of further large penalties being applied in the State.


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