Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis

Context Phase

Photo of Eoghan MurphyEoghan Murphy (Dublin South East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

If I may, I wish to look at a specific interesting case pertaining to Athlone Town Centre. In September 2007, it was valued at €345 million and at the time, The Irish Timesstated it would be the second major shopping mall in the town and had raised questions about whether the local population was large enough to sustain both. In February 2015, it was being valued at €60 million. What has happened there? That is not a small overvaluation but is a significant change in value. Even in 2007, Mr. Moran's company would have been aware that there were risks in the market, as wasThe Irish Timesitself. While people were aware this actually might not have been sustainable as a development, it was valued at €345 million but then, in 2015, it has been valued again at €60 million.


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