Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Higher and Further Education Grants: Discussion

1:00 pm

Mr. Brian Power:

I will come back to that. The recommendations of the appeals board came up a number of times. The chair of the board, in consultation with the Department, convenes meetings and makes recommendations within 60 days of the appeal. The current average time for issuing a determination is now 25 days.

I appreciate that if one adds up all the possibilities for appeals, the amount of time a student has to submit and the amount of time that both the appeals officer in SUSI and the appeals board has to respond, it is a very long time overall, but we are watching those timelines quite carefully. There has been a significant improvement in the timeline of appeals on the SUSI side and we are down to 25 days in 2014-15 on the student grant appeals board from 46 days on average previously. That is a very important improvement overall.

The rate of appeal regarding the repeat period of study being at a particularly high level-----


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