Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Firearms Licences: (Resumed) Discussion

10:00 am

Photo of Tony MulcahyTony Mulcahy (Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I know a number of people who shoot and their first concern is safety. On the issue of licensing bodies and the range of licensing methods of the chief superintendents throughout the country, is the preferred option to have one licensing body? How do we get to that point? The lack of engagement between the responsible organisations and the Garda Síochána is of grave concern to me. The experts are here today. I do not believe that the Garda Síochána has the same level of expert knowledge of the different firearms that are in the country. Global statements are thrown out, including at meetings of this committee, about mass-murderers in other jurisdictions, but I do not recall any here. I would like somebody to point to a connection between legally held firearms, particularly since the introduction in 2009 of additional security measures, and murder. Is there a connection? If so, somebody must point it out to us clearly and not just make global statements.

I know quite a few people involved in target shooting as well as shooting pheasant, duck and so forth, and I can guarantee that they are the most responsible, safe people that I know. I just wanted to make that statement because it is important that we are balanced in our discussions and our decisions. Will the witnesses elaborate on where we should go from the perspective of a licensing body? How do we strike the right balance? It is critical that the Garda Síochána, the representative organisations present and the Department be involved in whatever structure is put in place.


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