Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis

Context Phase

2:40 am

Mr. Rob Wright:

Mr. Nyberg was here yesterday talking about the banking sector and we did not overlap. I made observations about the NTMA and the loss of vital expertise. The Department could do better in relating to the agency. There was not one issue in any of this that we could say is the key. I am saying that we should look, going forward, at an entire set of improvements. That involves the way the country works, how the Department provides advice and the way key elements, such as programmes for Government and social partnership, work. Would it all have been better if one thing did not happen? I not believe so. As Mr. Nyberg observed yesterday, there was a confluence of issues. One should not pick one thing in focusing on solutions and one must address all the elements in a coherent way.


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